It's what's LEFT when you're tired of being WRONG.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Superman not so super anymore...

America, land of the free, home of the brave. Sanctuary for the tired, poor, huddled masses. The only country in the world that accepts people of other nations as AUTHENTIC AMERICANS. (Try that in Austria, Brazil, Japan, or anyplace else...) Victor of the Cold War, World War II, and countless others. Supporter of Haiti, Japan, and a thousand other foreign sites of disasters. Now, we have something else to be proud of. Superman is considering the renunciation of his American citizenship. This says a whole lot more about Superman than it does about America. And as a proud American citizen, whole-hearted supporter of the American Constitution, and believer in American Exceptionalism, I say "good riddance". The Superman of today is an imposter, a puppet of moronic liberal cartoonists who have lost their way. Like other aliens who come to America because of all the good it offers and represents, only to bash the place that has accepted them with open arms BECAUSE THEY CAN, Superman has demonstrated that he is a squishy, indecisive, fickle "citizen of the world", more concerned with political correctness than morals and values. And so, to "Superman", I say, I always liked Captain America better anyway.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Economy

In 2007, President Bush asked Americans to "go shopping" in order to spur on the economy. I would like to take this opportunity to do the same thing. It's my sense that a lot of what's happening now is due not to people or businesses not having enough money to meet their needs, but because they're UNSURE of what the future holds. Many businesses, including my own, are experiencing cash flow issues due to late payments by other businesses. Everyone is holding on to what they have, because they don't know what's coming. This is especially true of businesses, because there really is no impulse buying in this arena. A business that doesn't need to spend money won't spend it if it's unsure of when the next check is coming in. If, on the other hand, regular payments are arriving on time, the whole business cycle changes. Instead of holding on to money and waiting, businesses begin to feel comfortable again, that the money that is owed them will come in, and so they begin to spend again.

Here's my prescription for the economy: If every adult in America, for the next six months, went out and spent an average of $100 extra per month, that would inject 120 Billion dollars into the economy. Businesses would suddenly see cash flow pick up, and they would then open up their check books and start spending money on the things that THEY need. Of course, some might only be able to spend $2 extra per month. Others might be able to spend $500 extra. My suggestion is, just do it. Just spend some money. If enough people did this, the repercussions would be unmistakable, the nation would get off it's collective duff and we'd be solidly on the road to recovery. Don't believe me? Prove me wrong. Go out and spend some money and show me that it doesn't work. But it's bound to work, because that's how economies function. Money in, money out.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday - "earth day" Conjunction

I see that "earth day" this year falls on the same day as Good Friday. It's ironic that the liberal green nazis are completely opposed to direction from religion, seeing as it's old-fashioned and superstitious, despite the obvious moral benefits it confers. And yet, these same liberal green nazis will tell us what kind of car to drive, what kind of fuel to use, what kind of light bulbs to use, how our matches and paper plates are made, etc. etc. Isn't it funny that liberal green nazis are opposed to direction EXCEPT if it's direction that THEY'RE giving, in which case it needs to be codified into law?

I am not an adherent to religion, but I feel that religion has a definite place in society, to help those who are unable to stay on the moral straight-and-narrow to have a moral compass. I think that liberal green nazis are insane, and need to back off and mind their own business. You might say "but green causes help all of us". I could say the same about moral, so-called religious causes. Don't you think that teaching proper morals to people who have to interact in society is more important than what kind of car I drove to our meeting? And so on this Good Friday - "earth day" conjunction, I will take my gross-polluting 1970 Cadillac Coupe DeVille for some fast food. I will politely say thank you to the person who serves me, and I will NOT recycle my trash. Then, I will come home, plant a tree, and send the plastic container it came in to the landfill. And every time I see a liberal green nazi sign, slogan or catch-phrase, I promise to waste, pollute, or over-use something. Keep this in mind, as you shun religious dogma and bash people over the head with liberal green nazi dogma, that somewhere, with someone, you are having the OPPOSITE effect.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Gun Control

It means using both hands. Imagine this: You're sitting in a classroom, and a crazy person comes in and starts shooting for no reason. If you have a gun, you can produce it and kill the shooter. You have just saved your life, and the lives of the rest of the people who would have been murdered. If everyone is disarmed, the murderer will continue shooting until he runs out of ammunition. It's as simple as this. When you disarm people, you cause them to be defenseless. When you arm people, you allow them to defend themselves and others from crazy people. If only crazy people have guns, and they WILL have guns, you are ASKING for more senseless violence. If more sane people have guns, any violent action can be met and stopped immediately. Don't be fooled by the useful idiots who want you to be helpless. Fight for gun control. Buy a gun, learn how to use it, and carry it legally in every situation possible.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Example of Leftist Math

Here is a quote from an AP article written by David Klepper and Susan Haigh regarding the possibility of states imposing new and oppressive taxes on boats and boating related issues:

"We understand the concerns of the boat and marina owners, but this budget was based on a balanced approach of 'shared sacrifice' and boat owners should be part of the solution, too," said Gian-Carl Casa, Malloy's undersecretary for legislative affairs. "Connecticut needs to get back on sound financial footing."

What this lunatic Gian-Carl Casa doesn't realize is that these "boat owners" are also "tax payers". They own houses, and cars, and pay property taxes and sales taxes and income taxes just like the next guy. They are not somehow skirting by without paying any taxes. They already ARE sacrificing, just like the rest of us. They are in fact sacrificing more, contributing to the economy through the purchase of fuel, accessories, repairs, marina fees, etc. They are fortunate or smart enough to have been able to afford to buy a boat (like some people buy TVs, or vacations, or game consoles, or books, or shoes) and what you are talking about is DOUBLE taxing them. You are taxing them on all the other things, and now taxing them AGAIN because you have arbitrarily decided that the boat should now be a means to extend your vision of "shared sacrifice".

How about this...let's tax ALL POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS AND CAMPAIGN EXPENSES. Let's tax them at 50%. Because after all, isn't it a LUXURY to have the money to blow on a political campaign? Some people are sick or hungry, and we have people like President Obama blowing HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS on political campaigns. Don't believe me? According to, President Obama spent about $750 MILLION in his campaign for President. That's THREE QUARTERS OF A BILLION DOLLARS. This is sickening. Please stop punishing the little guy, and start going after the source of the problem, the bloated political class that trades huge amounts of gold for huge amounts of power, and in return punishes the average American citizen for the privilege.