Herman Cain
I just want to say that the liberal media disgusts me. The liberals run a weak, inexperienced and questionable candidate in Barrack Hussein Obama, and conservatives are called "racists" for campaigning against him, simply
because he's a black man. Any question of his abilities and initiatives,such as his highly dubious fiscal policies and whacko Obama Care, and again, we're called "racists" for even questioning him. And yet, these "racist"
conservatives attempt to field a solid and admirable candidate in Herman Cain, a man who frankly has a lifetime more experience that our current President, and he becomes the target of incessant, Clarence Thomas-style
attacks. Enough with the racist BS. Conservatives as a group don't hate people based on skin color, we're just against people whose ideas and plans will destroy our country. Liberals and the liberal media, however, hate any
candidate who's conservative, ESPECIALLY if they're black.
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