It's what's LEFT when you're tired of being WRONG.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Canada and the Iraq Invasion

Former Canadian PM Jean Chrétien is reported by Wiki Leaks to have secretly offered to provide assistance to the United States, and in some cases, actually provided support in the 2003 invasion of Iraq. This, after
publicly refusing at the time to join the "coalition of the willing" in the effort. What's most disturbing about this to me is why Mr. Chrétien felt the need to publicly speak against doing what he was privately willing to do. Obviously, he felt it was important to help the United States, but apparently it wasn't politically expedient to let this be known. It seems to me that the right thing to do would have been to explain to the Canadian people who didn't understand what a monster Sadam Hussein was, to lay out the risks that his WMD programs created, to point out his unwillingness to continue agreed-upon UN weapons inspections, his mass-murder of Iraqi citizens, and his use of murder, torture and imprisonment against political foes. Then, he could have explained how,
after the 9/11 attacks, for the west to fail to respond somehow, anyhow, would be viewed as weakness and passive submission to the terrorist elements of the world. And then, having fully laid out the rationale for why
attacking the primary terrorism-supporting nation at the time was justified, he could have proceeded to do exactly the same thing that he actually did do, which was to provide assistance to the United States in the invasion of Iraq.

And so, thanks go to the former Canadian PM for privately doing the right thing, thanks to the Canadian military for providing support, and to the liberal Canadian people and politicians, once again, thanks for nothing.
You can be assured that in the future, when disaster strikes, or when you need a political ally, we will be there openly providing physical, financial and diplomatic assistance to you, even though you are unwilling to lift a
finger to help us make the world a safer place.


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