It's what's LEFT when you're tired of being WRONG.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Superman not so super anymore...

America, land of the free, home of the brave. Sanctuary for the tired, poor, huddled masses. The only country in the world that accepts people of other nations as AUTHENTIC AMERICANS. (Try that in Austria, Brazil, Japan, or anyplace else...) Victor of the Cold War, World War II, and countless others. Supporter of Haiti, Japan, and a thousand other foreign sites of disasters. Now, we have something else to be proud of. Superman is considering the renunciation of his American citizenship. This says a whole lot more about Superman than it does about America. And as a proud American citizen, whole-hearted supporter of the American Constitution, and believer in American Exceptionalism, I say "good riddance". The Superman of today is an imposter, a puppet of moronic liberal cartoonists who have lost their way. Like other aliens who come to America because of all the good it offers and represents, only to bash the place that has accepted them with open arms BECAUSE THEY CAN, Superman has demonstrated that he is a squishy, indecisive, fickle "citizen of the world", more concerned with political correctness than morals and values. And so, to "Superman", I say, I always liked Captain America better anyway.


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