It's what's LEFT when you're tired of being WRONG.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011


Ok, just read another article, in which parents are talking about the "difficulties" of explaining who bin Laden is to children who were not born yet on 9/11, and how there are "inconsistencies" in explaining that people are happy over bin Laden's death. There is of course no mention of the fact that bin Laden died while he was SHOOTING AT the Navy Seals. (Thank you, by the way Seals!! Go Navy!!) This is pure craziness. Here is what you can tell your children: Two wrongs don't make a right, but it's not wrong to put a murderer to death. Putting a murderer to death is not a "wrong", it is justice. My jaded outlook makes me wonder though, how many children do we NOT have to explain this to because they are not alive because their mothers believe in the right to "choose"? HERE is a good do you explain that it's not ok to bring a murderer to justice, but it's ok to take the life of an innocent unborn child because it's inconvenient for the parents?

For a little perspective, I was not yet born when President Nixon was elected. I did not understand much about the United States, or the Presidency, or justice when Watergate occurred. And yet, I clearly remember as a child, my father asking me to pray for President Nixon, and then later explaining that President Nixon had done "something wrong", and then even later still asking me to pray for President Ford. My father used it as a lesson for me, and though I was only 3 at the time, and though I don't actively participate in religion at this time, the whole episode was an EXCELLENT tool that helped me to understand about right and wrong, and about the morals of the bible and religion, even if you don't follow that religion.
And so parents, as a former child, may I suggest that you use this whole episode as a learning tool? Turn off the computer, turn off the Xbox, turn off the TV, and TALK to your children. Don't hide them from reality, immerse them in it. Explain that terrible things happen, explain that there are good people, and bad people, and sometimes good people do bad things, and sometimes people are evil. Explain that when people do bad things, they must be punished. And explain that they can be good people, and that sometimes good people have to make tough choices based on the actions of bad people. This is reality. This is the world that you chose to bring your children into. Someday, you will not be around to guide them, or to help them make decisions. So teach them.


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