It's what's LEFT when you're tired of being WRONG.

Friday, May 06, 2011

9/11 has been forgotten

Yes, apparently, 9/11 has been forgotten. Even in the wake of Bin Laden's death, a victory for which we've waited almost ten years, we now have evidence that people have no memory and nothing constructive with which to concern themselves. A Canadian police officer made an unfortunate public comment about a rape victim, referring to her as a "slut". Now, throughout Canada and the United States, there are marches planned, supporting "sluts". This exhibits insanity in so many areas of our culture. First, someone was victimized. This is terrible, and we are sorry for the victim. We hope she (we assume it's a she) gets justice. Look closely though, there are also instances like the Duke rape case, in which a supposed victim, a prostitute, falsely claimed rape. This case was spearheaded by the disgusting and criminal attorney general, and approximately ten young men had their lives run into the ground over false charges. This shouldn't take anything away from true victims, but it should raise the bar on how cases like this are investigated and prosecuted. Then, we have the morons who are parading for "sluts" rights. Come on. It's not even funny. It's disgusting. We are fighting several wars. We have 10% unemployment. Gas is nearly $5 a gallon. We have a political season ramping up that promises to be the biggest and most important in decades. We have a dollar and a manufacturing base that are suffering. We have people losing their homes, or worse, with no life savings and property that is worth less than they owe on it. And people are marching for "sluts"?? In San Francisco, of all places, the shock of it, they are trying to make it a "family event". Please, speak out for victims, including those who are falsely accused. But can't we please leave sexuality where it belongs, in private? It's not a public thing, it's not supposed to be. Why do so many feel the need to make this into something it's not? The more people protest about stupid things like this, the more I see that they have completely lost sight of what our country stands for.


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