It's what's LEFT when you're tired of being WRONG.

Thursday, November 08, 2012

America II

On the state of the election, here is a continuation of my view on that. Remember Ted Kennedy? He murdered someone, and he was then re-elected by a zealous Democratic state for decades. Based on what I saw Tuesday, I would have to guess that if there weren't term limits, Obama might be on track to do the same thing. Re-election for decades to come. Not for any particular reason, Democrats don't use reason, they use feelings. And so, by extension, I can see a future where WHOEVER they pick to run in 2016 will be elected, NOT because they have merit, but because they aren't the Republican candidate. Every four years, there will be an election, our situation will be further worsened, and the campaign will point to "how bad things are because of the Republicans" and the Democrats will continue to put in rabidly liberal candidates because they "feel" that they are the answer. At some point, the gridlock generated by having a Republican House will become their target, and we will lose our foothold there, and things will accelerate downwards.

Yesterday, I was thinking that things were going to get REALLY bad before they got better. Now, I'm not so sure about the getting better part. I think we're going to have four more years of Obama, and then eight more
years of some other Democrat, and then eight MORE years of some other Democrat. All the while, the Republican base will be shrinking as older people pass on, and as younger, more strident liberals are minted at the colleges and universities. We will keep hearing about how bad the Republicans are, how their policies got us into this mess, and the worse it gets, the stronger the argument will become that Republican policies are bad. How could they NOT be bad, they've already tagged us with the current fiscal disaster, and the situation just keeps getting worse and worse and worse, doesn't it? (of course none of this has to do with forcing banks to give home loans to people who can't afford them. And who could those people be? And WHY would we want to do that? Legislated "fairness" and "equality"?) So we'll be blamed for that too. THEY will take responsibility for trying to fix it, but it won't get fixed, because they don't know how to fix it. They won't ever grasp that the reason things are bad now is because the proper policies weren't put in place in a timely fashion.

The key to my argument is that they won't ever take responsibility for or ownership of fixing the problem, only keeping the blame squarely on the Republicans. And somehow...AMAZINGLY, somehow...they will continue to fool people into thinking that, because they're "fixing" the problem that was started by the Republicans, THEY are the ones best positioned to fix it. They will make a decades-long campaign of "hope". NOT "results", but
"hope". As we've pointed out before, liberalism is their religion, and they have faith. They don't need to see results, results aren't what they're after, just the hope of an ultimate triumphant victory over "evil", which in
this case is the Republicans. (As a side note to this, nasty campaigning will become the norm. As liberals, they don't see the moral downside to nasty campaigning. They will wage bitter campaigns that always paint the
Republican as evil, no matter what the truth is. Republicans who are "evil" in their eyes will continue to use moral arguments, but they won't have any bite, because as conservatives, we aim to stay above that level.)

Look at what happened in Detroit. Detroit is a bombed-out shell of the vibrant American center of industry and commerce it once was. It is now a dead urban jungle. And yet, while it was on the decline, and as the decline
worsened over decades, and as it hit rock bottom, the Democrats continued to elect their people to MANAGE the decline. THIS is what's coming. I'm not happy about it. I'm terrified. But this is what's coming. Because the
Democrats don't have a god, nor common sense, only "faith". Misguided, irrational faith.

This time, we will get more liberal Supreme Court justices. Next time, we will get another liberal President and more liberal Supreme Court Justices. Maybe the next time, an even more solidly liberal Senate and maybe then a
liberal House. The fervor will grow, the conservatives will despair, the electorate will shift to 60% liberal, and then 70% liberal, and the tilt will accelerate. There is apparently no way to fix the mental programming
that is going on that makes it possible. Once someone gives up on god and common sense, and they are convinced that they can vote for what makes them feel good, no amount of convincing can help them see that they need to take their medicine first. Why? Why the HELL would they do that? Doing the hard thing isn't fun!! They will keep hitting the button that makes them feel good, even though the rewards will come more and more sporadically. Eventually we'll be in ruins. But they STILL won't get it. They'll just point to the Republicans that "got us there in the first place" as the enemy.

I hope I'm wrong.


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