Happy Thanksgiving
In reading Abraham Lincoln's Thanksgiving Proclamation, I am reminded of certain things that I have been realizing lately about our country. People truly seem to have forgotten how magnificent our nation is among those of the world. How young, how prosperous, and how peaceful. While the agitating liberals amongst us would have you believe that we are warmongers, hateful and evil, look around the globe and find a single country that has brought as much good into the world as the United States, which so openly and freely accepts even those who do not accept her. Every time someone complains about the United States, I ask them "where would you rather live?" and the question is always met by a blank stare. Only a country as wonderful as the United States would give all that we have to the world, and stand idly by as our own citizens complain about their nation which has given them so much. Meanwhile, our power-hungry President tries furiously to dismantle the country that has brought all this good into the world, and to replace it with a socialist nation like Germany, France or Cuba, where the government doesn't answer to the people, but rather, the people must grovel to the all-powerful government. Real Americans reject this concept however, and we will survive this horrific attack from within. And for this, I truly am thankful to live in the greatest nation on earth.